By abcdefghijkl1233 - 29/10/2013 13:23 - United Kingdom - Oldham

Today, I had a job interview that I was quite nervous about. During the interview, I struggled to get my words out and the interviewer angrily told me to, "Get on with it." I continued to struggle and was later kicked out for wasting their time. I have a stutter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 870
You deserved it 4 114

abcdefghijkl1233 tells us more.

Thank you for those of you who left kind comments, those of you who left comments of the other kind probably don't understand. I didn't fully expect my stutter to get in the way of the interview so much, but combined with my nervousness it gradually got worse throughout. After the way I was treated I realised it wasn't a place I would want to be at so I left without a fight. Also I'd like to thank you for the help methods some of you said, I've been trying to improve it and I'm definitely going to try them, thanks again :) In the future I will inform them beforehand! #8 Aha, good ol' game of Pictionary, never fails to start arguments!

Top comments

Aww, I know how that feels. Next time, inform them that you have a stutter. It's what I do, and most people are understanding.

That interviewer is a jerk! You were not wasting their time and they should have more patience, especially if they are in HR.


Anyb0dyTh 8

Think you found out an important life detail. No one has kindness anymore :( Hope you find a job OP Cheers

ViviMage 38

If you didn't get the job, open a claim of discrimination! You could sue.

I talk extremely fast and that sometimes causes me to stutter. I been working on it & has slowed down a bit. You don't want to work with people who going to keep you down. I been working in retail for over two years. It kinda gave me that push to work on my speech & open up. I used to avoid talking bc I didn't want to repeat myself & hear people comments about my speech. My managers & co workers have helped me a lot. Don't stress over it! Just keep working on your speech and look for a job where your boss & co workers treat you with respect! :)

xbrendnx 1

Sorry to hear that OP! At least you realized that it wasn't a place you wanted to work at.

A stutter is a physical disability, if you actually have a stutter and it wasn't induced by anxiety or stress, you would be covered under Americans with Disabilities Act. You could potentially bring them to court for discrimination. Easy breezy payday. You do not have to disclose any disabilities to a company unless you so choose too and it doesn't make you look any less professional of you choose not to. As long as you can perform the essential functions of the job, they have no ground to stand on.

Aawwwe. I hate stories like this. Im sorry. U don't want to work for a company that treats ppl like that anyway... Blessing in disguise.?!