By LunaCrow - 10/02/2015 02:32 - United States - Shakopee

Today, I had a friend tell me all about how being a vegan was so great. They were eating eggs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 485
You deserved it 3 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You need to call vegan police to strip them off their vegan powers.

Not yet, they've still got two more chances.

Vegans don't have powers, they lack protein

Meat is not the only food you can get protein from.

Such a shame, it's people like them who make all vegans look like idiots. That's on the same level of stupid as pescetarians who claim they are vegetarians because "fish is not meat". Smh.

LadyMadness 11

I actually hate those type of people lol just bc you don't eat terrestrial meat doesn't mean you magically count as a vegetarian bc you're eating marine animals instead

I agree, as far as people saying that seafood doesn't count as meat. However, as a pescetarian, I have found that most people have no idea what that means so I end up just saying I'm vegetarian to keep it simple and avoid confusion :/

I've heard people say before that it doesn't count because "fish don't feel pain" which is so blithely ignorant i want to beat them with a hammer and say "It doesn't count because you don't feel pain."

I would have found it quite fun to ask, 'if you think it's so great, why aren't you vegan?'

jcast0627 9

Why would people down - vote this?

I saw this while moderating, but voted no :(

Eggs are the primary protein source for all vegans... If the eggs are not fertilized, they havent been killed, so a vegan can eat them. I don't mean vegans would eat something alive.

Lol, no. Vegans don't eat anything that comes from animals, including milk and honey. An ovo-lacto vegetarian will eat eggs though. But that is not nearly as strict a diet as veganism.

Eggs are not any kind of source of anything for any vegans. You're thinking vegetarian.

I think you need to look up what Vegan means.

Vegans don't eat any animal byproduct. eggs come from chickens.

Maybe they thought eggs come from eggplants. In other news, it's probably a good thing for them that breathing is an autonomic process.