By Username - 08/01/2011 07:01 - United States

Today, I got to listen to my younger brother have sex with a girl while I sat in my room playing World of Warcraft on a Friday night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 918
You deserved it 44 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You'll probably get flamed for playing WoW rather than socialising, but I for one feel for you.

Pshh_Yeah 4

Random girl? Talk about "random" STD's It's okay dude you're not missing out!


EngineerJane 0

I enjoy doing both, best of both worlds :)

tylerfath 0

Haha that sucks dude drop the games and get laid

That's your own fault. Instead of staying there and listening, you could have left. Get a life...

Igor_g5 0

If you didn't spend all your time playing WOW maybe you'd get laid too.

maybe you should get off your ass and go find a chick like your bro. I can tell you're probably a virgin.!!

38 is completely correct. what a nerd for playing wow and having his younger bro wayyyy out do him.

Your brother is a ****. Be glad your not the one who will wake up with an STD!

Some people just have a lot of trouble meeting other people, and when they do go out, it's pretty rare to get laid, or even a get a phone number. It's not like there are loose women everywhere just waiting for people to get off their computers so they can bang them. It gets pretty frustrating, and after a while, you don't feel like spending every Friday night playing mind games with women to try and get them to sleep with you when you only succeed maybe once a year. I prefer spending my time reading and going on long bike rides. This guy plays WoW. OK, fine. Give the kid a break.

justanotherbird 19

Maybe your problem is that you are "trying to play mind games to get women to sleep with you" instead of trying to met someone for something more than a one night stand. If you only succeed once a year it should be obvious that you need to rethink what you are doing. Having a girlfriend helps with the not getting laid problem most of the time, maybe you should try that instead? Personally I, and none of the girls I know, are into mind games and sleeping with a guy they met at the bar. I am, however, into having a great guy I enjoy spending time with (and vice versa) and can get laid all the time with.

The thing is, he came on here to whine about his little brother getting action while he isn't Its not that hard to accomplish both either. I know this for a fact since I have a 2 month old grandson thanks to my 16 yr old stepson(who was 15 when he did the deed and turned 16 2 months before the baby was born), who does play WoW as well. Sometimes he will stay home and play for for a few, or he will go out. Thats all it takes, playing in moderation It is not that hard to meet women either, but to meet them, you actually have to turn off the TV, PC,etc and go out of the house to meet them

sallen0046 4

So you chose to sit around playing WOW and listening instead of taking any action and people are supposed to feel bad for you? I really don't think so. You don't need to have friends along to go out and find something to do any night of the week.