By moxy - 24/01/2011 15:00

Today, I got into a car accident. Why? I was distracted by a floating spec of dust and was pretending I was in space. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 658
You deserved it 65 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you shouldn't drive if you can't pay attention

moshmosh 0

I agree your life sucks. not because you got in a accident , but for the fact that your mom dropped you on the head when you were a baby and you became a complete abnormal retard for thinking your in space via dust ... o_O


This is terrifying. Please don't come drive anywhere near where I live.

dude that's no excuse! you're unsafe and dumb. they should take away your license. idiot

dude that's no excuse! you're unsafe and dumb. they should take away your license. idiot

wonderful_wendy 0

it's time to revoke your liscence.

fthku 13

Oh my. I wonder what you imagine when it's raining.

x3peachh3x 0

This is so unfair. I've taken the road test twice and failed it both times because of tiny errors Both times they failed me because they said I had bad judgement at intersections. The first time, I was making a left turn and the light was green, and as I was in the middle of the turn the light turned yellow but I kept going. You can't just stop in the middle of an intersection! But apparently it was bad judgement because she failed me, and the second time I don't even remember what happened but I was SO close, I just missed it by 5 points! It just sucks because I was so nervous and that's probably part of the reason I made stupid mistakes, even though they were harmless! And now I feel like I'll never get my license because I'm so afraid of that test. Anyway, the POINT is that it's so unfair that people like OP can drive around without a care and do stupid shit like this while I have to stress myself out over this test and wonder how idiots like this even got their license. OP actually sounds like a lot of the people who go to my school, they think they're sooo cool because they can drive but I know they'll get what's coming to them when they're doing donuts in the parking lot or going 120 mph late at night. Nobody died, crashed, or was even remotely affected by my driving on that test, and I know I'd never deviate from being a safe driver like a lot of people do after they pass the test, because I know the consequences. Anyway, sorry for this rant, I just had to get it out there.

catalin 0

Don't forget that most drivers have been through exactly what you're going through ! But I get you... Most of the time newbie drivers are way more cautious than the "older, more experimented chauffers". That's the world we live in, so full of irony you can almost taste it.