By moxy - 24/01/2011 15:00

Today, I got into a car accident. Why? I was distracted by a floating spec of dust and was pretending I was in space. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 658
You deserved it 65 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you shouldn't drive if you can't pay attention

moshmosh 0

I agree your life sucks. not because you got in a accident , but for the fact that your mom dropped you on the head when you were a baby and you became a complete abnormal retard for thinking your in space via dust ... o_O


Oh my :). The sad part is that it's something that would happen to me...

thetweak70 2

time to turn in your license to DMV and just take a're obviously like my step-daughter, diagnosed as "borderline inattentive". she's had 2 accidents & everyone but me thinks she's an excellent driver.

You're a horrible person. You could have potentially killed someone and your crying about your life?

Wow, lemme get some of that dank you're smokin! But seriously, you're a ******** for that. That's how innocent people get killed jackass! "Travel to space" when you're not driving or operating any kind of machinery!

Noy_Noy 3
munyarl 0

OP is a freakin SPACE CADET!!! I'm guessing no one was hurt ... !

hahaha this one almost made me pee myself