By Anonymous - 11/07/2011 07:42 - Australia

Today, I got home from work to find my house covered in graffiti dicks, the windows smashed, the front lawn entirely ripped up, and my letter box containing dog shit. I also found a note taped to the door saying, "Suck on this Darren". Darren is my next door neighbor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 583
You deserved it 3 283

Same thing different taste

Top comments

darren would be getting an ass whoopin and he better start cleaning.

the first that I do when my property gets raped is post on fml. not call the police, but share my story with the Internet.


shutupK 0

when I first read this I thought it said "giraffe" dicks.. hmm.. now that would be different.

iluffmcrandbvb 1

my ex boyfriends name Is Darren and he lives in australia 0.o

lopezk 0

Ouchh! I hope darren can come up wit some money to pay for all the mess !

daydreamer244 13

hey at least u ain't the fool who waisted their time ******* up the wrong house

sammygirl8 0