By kitkat - 17/09/2014 19:48 - United States

Today, I got dumped by my boyfriend. He said it was because he lives two hours away, but I think the ultrasound photos his other girlfriend posted proudly on his Facebook wall are the real reason. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 361
You deserved it 4 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meh you're better off without him. Good luck!

Be proud those aren't your ultrasounds. You definitely wouldn't want to have kids with that asshole.


lucky escape, seriously lucky escape. you don't want to be with him , you are most definitely better off without him

Thats why you shouldn't date people far away.

What a down right ignorant thing to say. Just because a relationship is long distance doesn't mean one or both partners will inevitably cheat, or that it won't work out. Plenty of people make long distance work out, there are many reasons for why a relationship starts out/becomes long distance but it isn't forever. It is the people in the relationship and their morals that determines if there is infidelity, regardless how close or far apart they live.

#29: I know of couples that live together that end up in worse situations than this. That's an incredibly flimsy argument against long-distance relationships.

He is a jerk and youre better off without him. Be thankful you dont need to deal with that drama and move on.

that's the first time she's ever uploaded something.?

That sucks, but at least you don't have to deal with that

If he's a guy like that than it's a good you're rid of him. Although may I ask what factors led to being in a relationship with this guy in the first place

I'm pretty sure people date other people because they like them...? It's not like she knew he was going to turn out to be a cheating asshole.

"Other girlfriend? "The real asshole is staring back at you in the mirror. Should have kicked his ass to the curb much sooner.

I'm pretty sure OP wasn't aware of this until she saw the posts on Facebook.

Well if he acts like that then you can do way better than him

one question though..did you try to dump him before he dumps you.. because you deserve better...

he should've been more honest with you