By kitkat - 17/09/2014 19:48 - United States

Today, I got dumped by my boyfriend. He said it was because he lives two hours away, but I think the ultrasound photos his other girlfriend posted proudly on his Facebook wall are the real reason. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 361
You deserved it 4 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meh you're better off without him. Good luck!

Be proud those aren't your ultrasounds. You definitely wouldn't want to have kids with that asshole.


Well at least its not you whose pregnant with his kid

I read photos as potatos instead. Why is my brain so retarded?

More like F her life.....the "other" girl is stuck with his sorry ass now!! You're free!!

collegecloud 1

Happened to me... It does suck *hugs*

Just be glad you aren't the one who's having this goniff's baby. F that poor woman's life and F the baby's life. And I fully understand the temptation to comment, "Oh, so THIS is why you're breaking up with me" on those photos.

Dumbass. I hope the girlfriend miscarries/gets an abortion

He'll do it to her either now or when that baby is born. Not your problem.

TheDanBexfield 26

Good thing he dumped you. You don't need a cheating rat like that.