By kitkat - 17/09/2014 19:48 - United States

Today, I got dumped by my boyfriend. He said it was because he lives two hours away, but I think the ultrasound photos his other girlfriend posted proudly on his Facebook wall are the real reason. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 361
You deserved it 4 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meh you're better off without him. Good luck!

Be proud those aren't your ultrasounds. You definitely wouldn't want to have kids with that asshole.


christi_im21 12

Did you know about the other if so ydi if not fyl

ydi, for not knowing your own 'boyfriend' was with someone else. damn people jump into relationships so quick

Distance can be an issue but it seems irrelevant at this point

Aren't you glad you dodged that bullet? Kid or no kid, it's not going to stop him from cheating; all you can do is feel sorry for her...

Aww thats so damn mean! You're better off without him. Maybe there should be a law that forbids cheating.

what do you mean his other girlfriend ?!?

glad they are her photo's! u dodge one there

A good rule of thumb is to not date people who have "other girlfriend[s]".

I think we can assume she didn't know about the other girlfriend up to this point.

Wow, why would he lie about something like that! You're better off without him in your life.