By kitkat - 17/09/2014 19:48 - United States

Today, I got dumped by my boyfriend. He said it was because he lives two hours away, but I think the ultrasound photos his other girlfriend posted proudly on his Facebook wall are the real reason. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 361
You deserved it 4 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Meh you're better off without him. Good luck!

Be proud those aren't your ultrasounds. You definitely wouldn't want to have kids with that asshole.


Good thing you got out while you could. Cheaters are never worth it.

Just be happy your scumbag ex didn't leave you with something to show in an ultrasound, OP :)

BecauseIAmBatman_fml 22

I feel sorry for the other girlfriend too. Fyl & hers.

Well that really sucks. Sorry OP. You're better off without him anyway.

paramor3 23

Be glad you found that out sooner, rather than later!

Although yes, he is an asshole (FYL OP) he needs to be there for his kid :/

nah, I'm sure it was the 2 hour drive, sure that's it. other girlfriend, what girlfriend. just a lot of wear n tear on the car. cost to much.