By Pox - 04/02/2011 03:19 - United States

Today, I got chickenpox. I'm 28 and having chickenpox as an adult is excruciatingly painful. When I told my boss I wasn't going to be at work today because of chickenpox he replied, "That's the worst excuse I've ever heard. Adults don't get chickenpox." He then fired me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 504
You deserved it 2 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should have taken a picture and sent it to him or something.


You should go to work, go into his office, and give him a big hug. that'll teach him.

Mylifesucks1982 0

If you have the documents to prove it, take your boss to court

u know u have, or had, a wrongful termination lawsuit. w a doctors note & pics then get the papers showing you were fired & explaining why. I say had cause if u don't have a doctors note to prove it then it won't hold up. :)

I got chicken pox when I was 15 and it was over christmas break. Merry ******* christmas. I did end up going to the dr because it was in my eye and I was delirious. Basically shit got real.

Go to work. See if he thinks you're lying then.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

Oh that sucks. Hopefully you did something about it. That's really unfair to be fired because of someone else's ignorance and stupidity v.v

Get a doctor's note and sue your boss if he/she does not rehire you on the spot. Does unfair dismissal not exist in US??!

You should have showed up to work after he fired you, itchy and oozing, and asked him if he wanted an apology hug.