By Urgghh - 16/05/2013 21:36 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I got a mosquito bite on my chest. Due to a severe allergic reaction it has swollen my left breast a cup size. The first thing my boyfriend said was, "Hey look! I can finally see one of them." FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 522
You deserved it 6 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hehe! That's funny. I'm sure you have very nice boobies, so relax and tell him his junk is small like a normal person.

perdix 29

I'll never understand guys who have flat-chested girlfriends joking or complaining of their lack of boobage. If that bothers you so much, don't go out with her. Otherwise, shut your stupid mouth and love her for everything else.


Tell him that a mosquito needs to bite his small dick.

you should have a mosquito bite both of them every day

Now you're like most women with one breast bigger than the other. Welcome to the lopsided booby club!

Well thank god I'm not in that club! It hard enough to find bras my size let alone one to make them even!

InvisibleMonster_fml 16

Holy shit, a cup size?! That must've been painful enough. Your bf is a dick for adding salt to the wound.

kick him in his junk when it swells and say "hey I can finally see it!!" haha

Congrats! You and 100 other people gave the same advice.....

It's really not soo cool, when I was a kid my brothers hand would swell up to the point where he looked like a powerpuff girl, FYL op

Breast augmentation courtesy of Dr. Skeeter!!

YourVoiceofReasn 6

Don't be the kind of girl who makes jokes about her body then gets pissy when other people do it.