By wellfuck - 15/07/2016 23:04 - United States - Clarksville

Today, I got a call from a job I had applied for. Everything went great until I realized I had applied to the wrong location, across town. I'm so broke, I went to the interview anyway. It will cost me more to pay for the gas to drive there to work, than what I will actually make. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 113
You deserved it 2 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe see if the other location will accept you since that location did? Good luck OP

Could you look into moving closer to the job? It's alright to decline the offer if it doesn't work for you.



I'm just confused. How far away is this job exactly? Even if you made $7.25 an hour and only worked 20 hours a week you'd clear $400 a month. Unless you are driving a Kings Ranch Edition jacked up truck, there's no way you are putting that much in gas. So I'd say go to the job, make your money and then see if a transfer is available. Some places only require you to work 6 months before you can transfer to another place. Also, it's easier to find another job when you have a job so perhaps look into other avenues of employment while you make that money.

I had a job that was 47 miles away, so I drove almost 100 miles a day. I usually filled my tank up twice a week. I paid about$350 a month in gas. BUT I wouldn't call 47 miles "across town".

IK this might not be the best solution but if u can use a bike without getting really sweaty that should help. Sorry OP

Maybe you could ask if the location you applied to would be able to transfer you to the one that's closer to where you live?

Maybe you can move closer to your job if it is out of the city. One person around me drives to Huntsville everyday for work, and she is moving down there. Housing is cheaper in Alabama if you are going down that way

Hopefully OP can, but it's not always easy to move. Circumstances!

Seems unlikely that you'd lose money driving to work, unless it's like 200km away.

Completely sounds like some shit I'd do!

Is public transit an available option, OP?