By dammit33 - 28/05/2012 13:55 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I got a $20 tip from an old lady I delivered pizza to. Ecstatic, I walked back to my car where there was a $30 parking fine waiting for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 792
You deserved it 8 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should think about where you park next time.


And you got a fine while delivering pizza? How long could you have possibly been there?

Don't have to be there long if it was a No Parking Zone.

look at the bright side you only have to pay 10$ now

theneatoburrito 8

$10 ** I'll probably get thumbed down for this, but it annoys the crap out of me when people do that.

A lot of other places do 10$ instead of $10. It makes more sense to me to say 10$ because it looks like "ten dollars" instead of "dollars ten".

theneatoburrito 8

But that's not correct. Although it may "look right", it isn't.

Depends on where you live. Where I live it's 10$. In Chocolatetown it might be $10.

theneatoburrito 8

71- Now I have no idea about Canada, but in the US, the dollar sign always comes BEFORE the number. And the OP clearly put the dollar symbol before the number, and since that's the post you're referencing, I believe you should do the same.

Yeah, you're totally right. Sorry about that.

In the US the $ sign should be before, but where I live it doesn't really matter, both ways are fine

Where I live it is mostly $10 but you do see 10$ pop up every now and then.

If she saw that it was a parking violation she should have said something...seems that would have helped more

This comment will be thumbed down, or thumbed up because you're resistant to follow the directions of this comment. And even so, you might be resistant to do either because I mentioned two possibilities on this comment. What will you do?

theneatoburrito 8

Whoa, that must've been one sneaky cop. How long were you at this lady's door anyway?

He forgot to mention the tip was in pennies. Took her hours to count!

Police here don't usually ticket parked cars unless they're obstructing traffic or doing something ridiculously dangerous. There had to be a council worker in the area.

You must have been there a while to get a ticket. Maybe the tip wasn't for pizza...

he could've been there for a minute and a half. he just had to be there long enough for a cop to see and write the ticket. illegal is illegal even for a minute.

butterflyz1961 2

Look at the bright side; now you only have pay $10 out of pocket instead of $30. You're still $20 richer.

Or OP could have simply not parked like an idiot and had a twenty dollar gain instead of ten dollar net loss.

Those ticket-givers sure are fast! They must do sprint intervals on the treadmill or employ those Olympian sprinters. I never see them, either!

nother1 1

Bullshit there is no way you can get a ticket that fast

theneatoburrito 8

And I quote directly from the commenting policy: "Please don't post any comments which question the validity of an FML". Hm, looks like someone didn't read the commenting policy! Tsk, tsk.