By W T F - 03/06/2015 07:22 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, I gave my girlfriend a hickey barely an inch from her vagina. She texted me later, saying her dad saw it and had grounded her. So yeah, I'm not sure I even want to know what the hell goes on in their house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 110
You deserved it 3 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As a girl, I'm saying there is a high chance she is bull ******** that.


What goes down in that family or how the little tramp dresses. Eitherway, you're not the only one goin' down mate!

gquagmire 17

Well that's Alabama for ya. (I kid)

Why the hell is her father looking at her ******.

So i noticed you're from Alabama.... nah im just playin we love you Alabama!

Unless she and her father are just that close, I totally call bull

Dafudge? Why would her dad.....? If it's really down there....? Ewwwww.

At first I though "What the hell?" but then i saw it was Alabama and it made more sense

She was wearing a bathing suit...?