By Anonymous - 06/12/2011 06:45 - United Kingdom

Today, I found that when a hot girl asks you whether you have a girlfriend, saying, "I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one" is not the best way to proceed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 056
You deserved it 76 055

Same thing different taste


You just figured that out? Really? Were you dropped on your head at birth? Don't worry - if she is as dumb as you she will forget she asked you, and you will have another chance to say something idiotic. Then, you can spawn moron kids and keep the family bloodlines going.

perdix 29

Is one of those problems "having an attractive exterior, but a dead soul?"

Abrien 8

My my I can't see how that did not sway the woman, that ingenious line you laid out was near enough for me to begin doubting my sexuality, leave my wife and beg for you to take me. Again I say, how could she resist!

Personally, I would have high-fived and given you a 10 just for timing and reference... Just saying

RedPillSucks 31

Gotta write that one down in the list of "Worst pickup lines in the world" this replaces the #1 "Your pants are so shiny, I can see myself in them" line.

You sir, are a complete moron. And that explains why you don't have a girlfriend.

this seems like something Steve from American dad would say