By Anonymous - 06/12/2011 06:45 - United Kingdom

Today, I found that when a hot girl asks you whether you have a girlfriend, saying, "I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one" is not the best way to proceed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 057
You deserved it 76 060

Same thing different taste


White_Knightspc 0

You don't deserve a hot girl. You deserve a swift kick in the ass! !!!DUMBASS!!!

Smooth. So you just told the girl who showed interest in you that you have no interest in her.

bubo_fml 10

Well june-yah...I say..."No Woman, No Cry!"

Being an attractive girl, If I were to be in that situation, I'd be laughing while saying, "Right on bro! Right on." I congratulate him, that's some funny shyt.

hannahroth96 0

I'm a girl, & if a guy said that to me I'd laugh my ass off.

OP, you smooth talker you. I bet you say that to all the girls shouldn't. Note: some girls may find that kind of thing funny but, even Jay Z would probably advise you to know your audience. Being that this girl had to ask if you had a girlfriend you most likely don't know her well enough to make any assumptions about her sense or style of humor.

akempf6119 3

wow looks like you really need to work on conversing with hot chicks because u made yourself look like an ass

and you think hot chicks are any different from normal chicks?