By meep - 23/12/2009 16:05 - United States

Today, I found out where my $300 worth of American Eagle and Hollister clothes had disappeared to. My 16 year old sister shredded them with scissors, took pictures of it for her Myspace and said that I deserved it for being a "conformist." All her "internet friends" said it was awesome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 766
You deserved it 12 324

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fml_no_fyl 0

Wearing those clothes is fine. Still going on myspace however is NOT.

LilaFaye 0

I think it's kind of funny that her conformist-hating sister has a Myspace account. It doesn't get much more conformist than that. That sucks, though. Plot some horrible revenge :D


Agreed, but that doesn't give her sister the right to destroy it

I don't care much about my clothes. I get them from walmart and target lol! It doesn't mean I am poor, it means that I spend my money on electronics! I am a guy though! So no, where people buy their clothes from has nothing to do with whether they are poor or rich. it has to do with what people choose to spen their money on.

I think the only way for your sister to have empathy is for you (or your parents depending on your age) to remove something or things that belong to your sister...i.e. iPod, netbook, clothes, whatever. And the parents should take away her computer for a while so she doesn't have little bratty friends to brag to when she does a bad deed. Your parents should know about this and punish her...this is not good behavior.

Wow, her logic is screwy. MySpace is pretty darn conformist. Does she have a Twitter, Facebook, and AOL Instant messenger too to brag about the latest property she's destroyed??

Ah, they joy of idiotic little sisters..I feel your pain, OP. Only, my mum let my sister do/steal whatever she wanted. I've had a job since 15, been paying for all of my own clothes, cellphone, and food since 16. Sister is now 17 (18 in 2 months) and still gets stuff handed to her on a silver platter. She also stole what I buy, and when I complained about it, my mother yelled at ME and told me to leave her alone. Thank god for getting married and moving out.

Rabbity 0

@113-The only way to be truly non-conformist is to not care if you're conformist or non-conformist. -Advice from someone qualified for MENSA.

Hmm... Mensa? With that kind of thinking did you mean Black Mesa?

Aah, the old hippie/emo 'non-conformacy'. Exact any revenge on her that you wish, safe in the knowledge that it couldn't possibly be excessive.

ShokuMasterLord 0

You ARE conformist. 300 bucks? Shit man.

It's $300. Who cares what she spent it on. It's still $300 worth of goods.

Little bitch,, haha I'd kill her and steal $300 from her