By meep - 23/12/2009 16:05 - United States

Today, I found out where my $300 worth of American Eagle and Hollister clothes had disappeared to. My 16 year old sister shredded them with scissors, took pictures of it for her Myspace and said that I deserved it for being a "conformist." All her "internet friends" said it was awesome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 767
You deserved it 12 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fml_no_fyl 0

Wearing those clothes is fine. Still going on myspace however is NOT.

LilaFaye 0

I think it's kind of funny that her conformist-hating sister has a Myspace account. It doesn't get much more conformist than that. That sucks, though. Plot some horrible revenge :D


If you destroy everything she holds dear in revenge, we will all say its awesome.

Whether it's from Hollister or not, that really sucks. I would kill my sister hahaha

Shadow_Phantom 26

That sucks, but Hollister? I might have thoughts of doing that too. How much can you get there for 300$, 3 pairs of pants...? FYL but YDI.

Your sister has a point. Of course, I would suggest the same with whatever she wears.

Haha! I don't even know what Hollister is. :p I don't use the mall.

most of you people that commented are stupid for saying that a brand of clothing defines someone as a person. and your sisters a bitch.

blink831forever 13

I'm sorry that your bitch of a sister destroyed your clothes.

dude. $300 isnt even that much. stop ******* crying. thats like 2 jeans and 4 shirts

thats funny because im 16 and im learning about comformity hahaha what a stupid hoe