By secretpornstar - 13/06/2011 19:23 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out the reason my boyfriend had been encouraging me to send him 'personal' videos was so he could sell them online to porn websites. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 631
You deserved it 19 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments


dayana456 0

first of all , even if he wuldnt post dem up nd dey were jst for him. he shuldnt be askinq for dat kind of stuff because dat means he doesnt respect yu .

practicesafesax 0

Why would you wanna date a PIG like that anyways?

supralover 5

Your "boy friend" is a pig.....sue his ass

gtmustanggirl18 0

that's when you take his manhood away and leave him for someone else

dreamer007 0

that's not the best boyfriend then