By secretpornstar - 13/06/2011 19:23 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out the reason my boyfriend had been encouraging me to send him 'personal' videos was so he could sell them online to porn websites. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 631
You deserved it 19 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ShammyGirl 0
MissAimeeAngel 15

Wow. You kinda deserved that one. Never send videos or pictures to anyone; once you send that stuff out, there's no telling where it'll end up.

Good to see another girl with her head screwed on right(:

ReynshineCutting 10

So you can't ever send pictures to your fiancé? Or husband? If you can't trust your significant other they're not worth being with in the first place.

I know right? Or what if you've been with someone for 7 years? (like me) and you get a txt "hey babe, I've been thinking about you ;)" (and you know where that leads), what, your not going to send them a little something? I mean come on. you want to be able to trust your bf/gf with something like that. I don't think op deserves to be slammed with comments of how she's so stupid, or what her bf did.

MissAimeeAngel 15

OP thought she could trust her bf enough to send him videos; obviously that didn't turn out well for her. I guess you just REALLY REALLY have to be able to know the person. And if the end result is not a good one, you have to accept the consequences because it was your choice to expose yourself like that.

I see where you're coming from, but you cant put it all on her. Her bf ( hopefully ex) really ****** up.

Herropreez17 0

Take it as a complement! Just hope he didn't use anynames.

meggieh815 0

I'd say you deserve it. You sent the videos in the fist place.

Damn, you must be really hot if your boyfriend is sending them to **** websites. That, in a way, is kind of a compliment, I guess? But yeah, still, FYL.

question is... did you send them and are they posted? and also... I don't see the point of girls giving into that stuff, don't they get laid enough.

TheDrifter 23

Unless it's a BBW scat fetish site.