By secretpornstar - 13/06/2011 19:23 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out the reason my boyfriend had been encouraging me to send him 'personal' videos was so he could sell them online to porn websites. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 631
You deserved it 19 368

Same thing different taste

Top comments


massacreman3000 1

illegal without your consent you can gethim arrested beyond belief

RuskiManBearPig 4

what website?.... so that I can file complaints against it.....

sue him and collect the money he has made from the videos of you--it is rightfully YOURS. then press charges on him and send him to prison.

dillies 3

maybe he is saving up for a ring or a future wedding ;)

Shadow_Phantom 26

With that kind of behavior, I'm thinking there wouldn't be a wedding.

bizzylizzy 0

well its flattering that they didnt turn him down

EveyxOxO 1

your an idiot, for sending him those videos. wat did u think he was gonna do with them, keep them in a safe, just for him???? idiot...

legitney 0

and how exactly did you find that out?...-.-