By lowlife123 - 01/05/2012 03:01 - United States - Manawa

Today, I found out my boyfriend gave me a surprise birthday present: herpes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 942
You deserved it 7 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess your relationship is gonna be a lil "bumpy" after it's not too painful

TheFamilyElf 17

The gift that keeps on giving.


Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday dear lowlife123 and now your really lumpy too! Should've used protection or made sure with him first. While your at it ask your parents for some medication for your birthday...

sammy18f 9

Herpes can be easily spread, even with a condom. Condoms don't solve every problem. Scared now, are ya?

That's the gift that keeps on giving.

Sorry 5, just saw your comment. Fml needs to tweek the app, seriously.

There's this new thing on the market, perhaps it hasn't made it's was to your area yet - called CONDOMS!!!!! You're lucky that's all he gave you! SMMFH!

As mentioned in earlier posts, herpes can be given orally not just sexually so even if they used a condom, he could have given it to her. RTFM.

He sounds like the kind of guy who thinks he only needs to go down for just a ceremonial lick, I doubt he would have been down there long enough for her to catch it that way. *Rolls eyes*

Condoms don't protect all of the skin around the penis and all of the vulva, unless you're using some kind of freaky condom that I've never seen before.

sammy18f 9

You're an idiot. Do your research properly before you speak next time.

Awwwww I'm sure he didn't mean to , hope ur ok xxxx

Well Happy Birthday...sort of. Don't be a total asshat like him, do the right thing and don't "re-gift" your "present" to anyone else. Oh, and make him pay for your Valtrex!