By Anonymous - 18/10/2015 14:23 - United States - Marshall

Today, I found my daughter's fanfiction account. I need a new pair of eyes, or brain bleach, or both. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 926
You deserved it 5 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might want to talk to your kid op, that stuff can get pretty graphic. Unless you believe she's old enough. Then ydi if she is.


wow... yeah, fanfiction... there's some really good out there... I don't know if she writes pornographic stuff, but well... If my parents ever found our what I'd written for fanfiction, I have no idea what they'd do, but new eyes and brain bleach wouldn't be enough...

I write smut. Very hardcore smut. But it sucks so like who cares

Does it matter? I'm guessing you mean it's sexual, which is no different than any other way of a teenager "exploring" sexuality. I never wrote fanfiction but I'd never want my parents to see what I looked at when I was 12 even haha.

Chukkles 10

How about you stop snooping around. My god all the good comments get thumbs down on here.

kyubi292 10

Is your daughter names Tina?

Can't be much worse than the show supernatural's fan fiction...

It could be Supernatural fanfiction. Considering that the SN fandom has infected so many others, it is even likely!

To each their own. Shouldn't dig into that stuff unless they're like middle school or younger since by that point their friends will have taught them way worse shit than that. Maybe if they're in high school or older you shouldn't even bring it up though since it would make conversations with each other really awkward in the future.

I guess it really all depends on her age. 14 or older I can imagine writing sexual fanfiction, I mean she's got all those hormones shooting through her system. However if she's younger than that I'd be concerned.