By Anonymous - 01/06/2010 16:43 - United States

Today, I finally convinced my son to use the potty. Later, he saw a show on TV about a toilet monster. Now he's too scared to even step foot into the bathroom. Here's to another few months of diaper changes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 954
You deserved it 4 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What the hell? What kind of stupidass tv show would talk about toilet monsters?

make him change his own diapers then


Well, next time don't let him watch tv. All researches said that it's bad for children and can create short attention spam and other problems.

RedPillSucks 31

Introduce him to the diaper Djini.

explain to him that monsters doesnt exist and tell him youre gonna be right next to him to prove it ...tell him to go ahaed and try ..if something happens to him , youlle be right there to save him

dynky 3

Can't you just let him shit himself in pants a few times and not change him? That might convince him to use the bathroom?

l0ri3 0

tell him that using the potty helps keep the monster from coming out

islandboi_08 0

cartoons are no longer just looney tunes....times have changed ytf would they make a cartoon about a toilet monster for toddlers to watch...smh...

thanakanasaza 0

tell him that the monster hates it when he uses the toilet and that if he uses it the monster will go away, but if he doesn't use the toilet it'll come and eat him.

Switch to cloth diapers. The problem with disposable ones is that they are so absorbent (so parents don't have to clean up a big mess all the time) that kids don't even know that they will feel dirty when they use the diapers. If you let him sit around in a disgusting, dirty diaper a few times, maybe he'll get over that fear of the potty monster.

88sforlife 0