By Ali (New York) - 24/06/2011 03:01 - United States

Today, I dislocated my collarbone while trying remove my bra without taking off my shirt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 280
You deserved it 36 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That must have been fun explaining that to the doctor

RainbowHeadache 2

I do that all the time but without the dislocating bit. Must have been one vicious contraption to dislocate your clavicle like that.


hah I agree with 23 pretty messed up. btw nice tattoo ;)

i dont get why girls do that? no guy trys to take his pants off under his trousers... would be kinda pointless .... you take the top layer off first, duh

bc if someone is in the room, you might not want to get fully naked

oh ok so when you are in public you just randomly start taking off your bra?

xStaciexLynnx 15

Sometimes when I go to bed I'll wear the same shirt that I wore during the day but want my bra off so you do that or if you're changing into a bathing suit with other people around or something... There are a bunch of reasons you would take your bra off but still want your shirt on!

I feel for you! when you do anything to your clavicle- you can't move that side of your body- it hurts like a bitch.

I'm sorry that happened. But taking it off without taking ur shirt off Is just........unfair.

XxA7XKillerxX 1

Try explaining that to the insurance company/doctor...

GlentheGr8 0
Joefabrizzio 0

Sounds painful and all, but..... you can't dislocate a collar bone.... it's not a joint. FAIL

Bull Sh$t. you cannot dislocate your collar bone!