By love-shot - 17/08/2013 08:24 - United States - Hays

Today, I discovered that when my crush leans in to kiss me, I get so nervous I throw up. Then throw up again thinking about how embarrassed I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 037
You deserved it 7 847

Same thing different taste


That's tough...hope it can be over come...

olpally 32

Need a moment? Grab a twix... Or a bucket in this case. Lol.

Hey Stan! Why won't you add me on Facebook?

I was having a shower with my boyfriend and he gave me so much butterflies I fainted. Pretty embarrassing.

guckylynn 19

That used to happen to me with everyone I've dated except my fiancé.

thatbaybay 8

As a general rule for me the first kiss is always the worst cause you're so nervous but it gets better just get him to sneak up and kiss you cause that way you don't have to worry and then it's easier

Your stomach is trying to tell you, that you have no love life...

STAN MARSH! He has a FML account!! Sweet!

I bet you're dying of humility, but hopefully he will understand