By dumbasdogshit - 11/08/2012 00:45 - Australia - Gold Coast

Today, I discovered that when a cyclist tears down the street, slaps you across the face as he passes, looks back laughing and flips you off, then crashes into a lamppost, he'll still blame you and threaten to sue, even after you rush over to check his injuries. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 780
You deserved it 2 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PrussiaisAwesome 15

I like to see him try to sue. That would be so funny.

mzrobinson 13

Sue back for assault and harassment! (;


captainburke 5

I'm so glad the ****** crashed into a lamppost! Justice heh heh

If there were any witnesses you should be just fine :-)

I think he was hoping you would be pissed enough to beat the hell out of him so he COULD sue you. And then got pissed because you wanted to help...

likeabamf 1
Unbweavable 17

You're better than me. I would've kicked him a few times

Luunatic 13

Sue you? Can he even do that? YOU should be suing him.

You are super nice! I would have just laughed at him, take a picture of him him with my phone, flip him off and walk away laughing my ass off.

callie123amy 4

Don't help a jackass, he didn't need it or deserve it anyway.

KVKdragon 26

That biker clearly doesn't understand the concept of self-inflicted injuries. Unless there was some equipment or mechanical failure, that biker has very little ground to sue anyone, especially the OP