By dumbasdogshit - 11/08/2012 00:45 - Australia - Gold Coast

Today, I discovered that when a cyclist tears down the street, slaps you across the face as he passes, looks back laughing and flips you off, then crashes into a lamppost, he'll still blame you and threaten to sue, even after you rush over to check his injuries. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 780
You deserved it 2 552

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PrussiaisAwesome 15

I like to see him try to sue. That would be so funny.

mzrobinson 13

Sue back for assault and harassment! (;


Are you kidding me? Karma was on your side lol you were minding your own business and he rode by and not only slapped you but flipped you off so he deserved it.

I can see him lying in court. That little ******.

why is everyone bitching about the cyclist? (hear me out first) you should be congratulating him! he finally got to first base with something! even if it was an inanimate object. lol. but, OP, that cyclist really was an idiot. you have more of a case against him than he does you. if he does try to press charges, i can see the lawyer laughing his ass off, as well as the judge.

Are you ******* kidding? I would have gone to see if he was ok after 5 good minutes of laughter lol

Next time just kick the crap outta him and take his bike

I would walk up to him and give him something to sue about. Here's a hint. Size 12 really fast and 6 in up his ass. That's assault and rape.

You're a good person, OP. If someone did that to me I would just laugh, flip them off, and walk away.

kyrie_eleison 2

Wow... where I live its usually just a "hello" and "how are you?" then we go our separate ways. You Australians take greetings to a whole new level! :D