By greeple - 10/09/2012 16:19 - Singapore

Today, I decided to clean my face of unwanted visitors, and spent my shower popping the pimples on my cheeks. Twenty minutes later, I remembered that I was showering ahead of a date with my girlfriend. My cheeks now look like the crater-filled surface of Mars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 759
You deserved it 12 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's kind of horrible.. That leads kids to feeling insecure which then leads to suicide. Quire ironic considering today is Suicide Awareness Day..


R4inb0wBrit3 13

You forgot that you were showering because you had a date with your girlfriend?

ideasrule 13

The crater-filled surface of Mars? Mars has very few prominent craters because it has an atmosphere that protects the surface from most impactors. Mars has many more craters than the Earth, because it's nothing compared to the Moon or Mercury.

musicforever444 4

Acne is the worst, I'm sorry. Hopefully she will understand and ignore it :)

You'll have to forgive her ::puts on sunglasses:: Curiosity.

paijus 0

She's already your girlfriend. Unless she's a shallow jerk then she will get over it. Just be confident

I agree with everyone who says he shouldn't have anything to worry about, but I don't think caring about acne makes you a "shallow jerk". I love my boyfriend and I'd never leave them for something like that, but I do want to feel attracted to them. It took ne a while to admit his facial bloom was bothering me. Nowadays we joke about it tigether, calling them the "Evil Ones", as we wash our face each morning with our "Holy weapons". obviously, not everyone is the same. :)

paijus 0

By shallow jerk I meant in an extreme case if she was just like I'm breaking up with you, you're not good enough Bleh your face. Etc. but no I don't think caring about acne makes people jerks

fatalwish 6

ouch that sucks maby next te try to use a pipeing hot washcloth and some peroxide the heat opems pores and dab a bot of peroxide on them to clean the bacteria its what i always did worked well.

Try Seabreeze Astrigent at Sally's. It works like magic clearing up skin and is painless!

CtotheK 7

And leaving the pimples I popped would have somehow been more appealing?