By Noname - 02/03/2009 18:52 - Canada

Today, I decided to be a good driver and not run through the yellow light. As soon as I stopped my car another came and rear-ended me. The guy told me to go in the parking lot so we can exchange information. So I drove into the parking lot, I turned my head and watched him drive away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 580
You deserved it 7 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It doesn't make you a good driver for stopping at a yellow light when you could've gone through. It makes you a douchebag for stopping short and causing the guy behind you to bump you.. of course he's a douchebag too for running away. I guess everyone's a douchebag in this story

Xinxinix 0

Ohh god, the guy should've realized you were stopping because your break lights would've shown. He was probably riding up on your tailgate so far that when you went to stop he crashsed into you. Then he decided to be a jackass and take off leaving you there.


No, a yellow light means you run the **** through it because the driver behind you is going to do the same exact thing. Or if you stop, they'll end up running into you, hence, the crash. You totally deserved that one for not understanding the basic concepts of driving.

people are idiots. learn from this. a) if there is serious damamge...NEVER move the car until cops arive. ive been fed by this. b) first move is a picture of the license plate. then you can move the car if need be. if you dont have a camera.......refuse to move unless he gives you his DL, insurance or some proof that would get him to follow. oh, and expect to have to do the same

galad2003 0

You should report this to the police. Its a hit and run and even though they may not catch they guy if you give them the best description you can they may luck out. besides if you don't report it you rinsurance company might not believe you and find a way to f-you.

imhawaiian 0

#1 have you ever heard about the 2 Second rule which is about 2 car lengths behind someone because thats what your supposed to be doing..

Holy jesus some of you people are idiots. Fmobus is correct 100%. If you feel its safer for you to stop at a yellow light then by all means apply pressure on the brake pedal. It is completely the fault of the idiot that rear ended him. Don't stay in the road for more than a minute or you will congest traffic. In TX we have something called if you can steer, clear it. Remember that. Jump out of your car as soon as the accident happens take a picture of the license plate, point to an area to pull over and go. Then exchange info.

bioclock 0

Wow. Seeing some of the posts in here makes me more convinced that the driving age in America should be raised to 18. Yellow does NOT mean "speed up and run it", it means "slow down so you'll be able to stop when the light is red". Yes, you're supposed to run it if you cannot safely stop, but if you are from a safe distance, running it is considered the same as running through a red light. And yeah, that sucks for you. I still would have done a police report. Hope there wasn't too much damage to your car.

jameran88 0

I completely agree with comment #1. I was in the place of the guy who rear ended you once, and it sucked. I don't blame him for leaving, he would have been responsible for all damage.

@28 I was unaware people should not be responsible for their actions. Are you promoting hit and runs? You also shouldn't have rear ended that person. Always assume everyone else sucks at driving too.

To add to the story, you really shouldn't move your car from the scene of an accident; it is like removing evidence from the scene. If you both have moved to the parking lot and had a police officer inspect the damage, he may not agree you got rear ended, thus shafting you. This one bitch side swiped me before because she was gunning through the left turn lane before it even started. She then proceeded to move her car somewhere else despite the fact I told her not to move. The police officer came and said it wasn't her fault because there was no proof she was a bitch of a driver. She was 16. FML

#20 is clearly a parent, however has very valid points, #21 is the reason why accidents happen, and #26 u really don't need to write a freakin book...ur situation sux...never move ur car!!!!