By names suck and so do I - 08/08/2013 12:54 - United Kingdom - Oxford

Today, I confessed my feelings to the guy I've had the biggest crush on. He spent the next ten minutes calling me delusional, said that I know nothing about him, and laughed that "this isn't Twilight, for fuck's sake". All he did when I started crying was pat me on the head and leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 177
You deserved it 10 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have said, "I know it's not Twilight, it's Harry Potter. Avada-Kedavra, asshole," and walked off.

Emily062611 6

This is how you know you're better off without him. I'm sorry, though; finding out someone you like is a tool sucks.


You should have got to know him more before you professed your love to him. Then you could have known he was an asshole and saved your time.

OMG what a dick! What made you like him in the first place??

ouch! I've learned it's never a good idea to confess your feelings to people like that. start a conversation and ask the dude out on a date. that still doesn't excuse his actions though.

what an asshole. honestly, it seems like you're better off without him!

While I agree he's a dick, I'm sorry to say that he was also apparently right. OP didn't know him, after all. (Would she fall in love with him otherwise?)

werewolf_babe 16

In my opinion you seemed to have dodged a bullet ._.

yourmurderscenex 13

happens to the best of us. we can't be everyone's type. but, he did handle it completely wrong and that should open your eyes. you're definitely not missing out on anything special. you'll one day find someone who will treat you with the diginity and respect you deserve. hold your head up high! you got this.

evilonesdaughter 12

you deserve so much better and someone who is nice bc that guy is a royal ass.

Wow! Sounds like my life in an fml! :(...