By Anonymous - 16/05/2009 21:06 - United States

Today, I called the guy I've liked for a long time and told him how I felt. He didn't say anything except for "hello." After I spilled my feelings, I hear "Haha, just kidding I'm not here right now! Call me back later!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 720
You deserved it 8 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What an immature, yet awesomely hilarious joke. At least you get another chance to make it sound better.

Am I the only person that thought he actually answered it but pretended it was voicemail because he didn't like her back?


What an immature, yet awesomely hilarious joke. At least you get another chance to make it sound better.

cloverpi314 4

oooohhhhh my gooood!! this is hilarious!!

pineappleducki 4

wait, didn't op call him? so why would her voicemail go off?

Am I the only person that thought he actually answered it but pretended it was voicemail because he didn't like her back?

no... I also thought that... and still kinda do

yeah, my friend has a machine like that... tricks me almost everytime.

so does my cousin. she made one just for me. I fall for it EVERY time.!

I used to have my voicemail like that then I realized it was stupid, and changed it.

Squeaky_x3 0

oh my gosh, that stinks! I would be embarrassed.. >w

but no one would know... it wasn't recording, so not FHL

There you go, at least you got the rehearsal out of the way...time to muster up that courage once again;) good luck

manoverboard 0

I've always wanted to set my voicemail like that. But it sounds dumb. FYL. There must be a long pause...

ugh i hate voicemails like that... well you wanted to let him know, and now he does....i wonder what his response was...

That's pretty much how my voicemail. But if you really have the feelings for someone... wouldn't you wait for more of response then "hello" to start gushing? And how much could you really say in 10 seconds? Have you never called this person before? Because if you had, you'd have probably known how his voicemail goes.

maybe he changed his voicemail? It's possible -.- or maybe he pretended it was voicemail because he didn't know how to answer ?

Tofuburger360 0

I believe you just got pwned.