By nothappywithlife - 30/03/2009 21:34 - United States

Today, I checked my facebook, and my wife of 5 years was listed as single. I then write on her wall that it is ok to announce to be married. She writes back saying that we have to talk and to come to the kitchen. My wife divorced me over facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 528
You deserved it 44

Top comments

thats a real kick in the junk.facebook screws everyone over..

I had that happen when I was dating a douchebag once, but a MARRIAGE!?


open_eyed_dream 0

this is why old peope shouldnt have facebooks....

How old are you? you know, when I first got my facebook, you couldn't sign up without either a university or a workplace e-mail. I miss those days.

god same i was so excited to sign up for facebook once i was in college, and now it's like everyone can get them and i rarely go on it anymore

blahblah17 0

=/ you'll find someone worth your while.

#31: The could have been married right out of high school, making them 23. Also, what happened to my walled garden that kept out young townies like you? Go back to myspace!

put a bumper sticker up on your facebook that says like "i was once married to a *****" or something like that

lolololcheese 0

facebook = epic fail. not that I'm not addicted.

Ahw! I did that to my boyfriend. I felt like a bzntch.

blland 0

F HER life and sue her for being rude, and make everyone around her feel as miserable as you are now, because that's what they deserve for influencing her!

Wait... did you guys catch that? He said his wife wrote on his wall instructing him to come to the kitchen, which means that she's literally talking to him from within the house. I say this is like triple failure here: 1) Facebook failure 2) Wife & Husband relationship over internet while in the house failure 3) Wife sending important messages over facebook while being in talking distance to the subject in question (husband) failure