By Jeri - 26/02/2010 12:55 - United States

Today, I begged my husband to take me to the ER cause my stomach hurt so bad I thought I was gonna die. He told me to go sit on the toilet and stop being a drama queen. I drove myself to the hospital just in time for my appendix to burst. I almost died because my husband was busy playing xbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 105
You deserved it 4 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time for some serious discussions about the state of your marriage and his level of consideration, care, and respect for you.

mattgotest2 0

Sad, sad. Someone should be in the doghouse for a while..


Break the xbox, leave and sue. I'm not kidding. Usually, I'm all for making excuses for the other guy, and reconciliation.. but really. Run.

yeah #21 I feel bad for any man that would mistakenly marry u

Uhm, my appendix burst, sat inside me for 3 days while the doctors debated weather to take it out or not when they finally did the surgery they found a hole in the back side that the x-ray/ultrasound could not see. After rinsing me out for 20 minutes they sewed me back up, I sat in the hospital for a week then went home. If they catch it before or when it bursts you didn't "almost die" your appendix burst and you had it taken care of. I was in the same hospital a year later (different issue) and the nurses were the same and they told my mom that they didn't think I was going to live. YDI for being such a drama queen. Cry about it when you can't digest meat for 4 years.

she was making a point that she could've died. your situation is really unfortunate :/ I'm sorry.

your probably a fakeass bitch wanting attention. who ever posts their "conditions" on an FML comment is truly pathetic. besides, doctors wouldn't let you sit in a hospital for 3 ******* days debating wether or not to take out an already burst appendix you stupid retard.

nuke people like you make me laugh because I bet that story was true, unlike queers like you who try an call people out, I hope you truly grow up to be lonely and depressed because your probably an overweight hideous and antisocial gaming addict , get outa your moms basement and get a ******* life... I'm out

Batman4890 0

so someone who write an FML about their condition is ok but as soon as you comment on another FML about it you become pathetic? think that through

to clear things up: the "conditions and the pathetic" I was talking about is simple. anyone who tries to trump the OP of their condition with a fake one is pathetic. that is what I am saying. And to Fuckyourlife99: have you seen me before? hmmm.. it's quite an amazing talent if you can see me through the screen. I won't lower myself to your standards. and BTW: you just contradicted yourself. and thank you guy with glasses in his picture: you weren't rude :)

suck a dick nuke, we all know you enjoy it mwahaha

I would.. probably because I am a girl. but not yours. I wouldn't be able to find that tic tac you call a ****.

rawpunk 0

Boobs=Power!!! sorry... women FTW!!!!!!!!!

I had appendicitis in the summer. FYL. It has hard to detect sometimes.

Wow; fully halfway down the page before I reached the second comment. I think that may be a record (not that I've been keeping track)

he's a douche dump if you don't have kids of they're over 20 dump him ASAP.

It's amazing how one comment (#4) started a huge flame war.