By Anonymous - 10/12/2011 03:41 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend if I've gained weight. He replied, "Why do you think I've been so often on top lately?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 862
You deserved it 8 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you need to ask someone of you've gained weight you can just step on a scale


miZscrZee 0

Uhmm..MAYBE YOU should be on top, that'll be a good WORKOUT for you.../:

sovetskiy 8

Does it really matter that much? Do we question why a planet is called Uranus? No

Don't try to shove your beliefs down our throats, 102. Don't be so immature. Besides, this has absolutely nothing to do with the thread, I hope they delete all these comments.

You deserve it! You're asking for it if you asked if you gained weight. And can't you effing tell? Just look at yourself, or I don't know, maybe step on a scale?

your werd... who the hella asks there boyfriend that

1seven1 0

I have no sympathy when you already knew the answers to the question. Seek encouragement elsewhere....

bizarre_ftw 21

Well you're an ass. Haven't you ever heard of anorexia or bulimia? A woman's (or guy's, it happens) perception of her body is not always correct, sometimes we see a tiny, non existent flaw and blow it out of proportion, so op asking her bf if she'd gained weight isn't necessarily a ploy for attention but, quite possibly, an attempt to get an unbiased opinion. So stop being an ass you pox ridden swine faced festering pustule located on a drunk man's dick (had a Shakespeare moment, sorry)

Missmeryssa 0

My boyfriend said that to me to, like really don't tell me that