By Anonymous - 10/12/2011 03:41 - United States

Today, I asked my boyfriend if I've gained weight. He replied, "Why do you think I've been so often on top lately?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 862
You deserved it 8 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you need to ask someone of you've gained weight you can just step on a scale


Ha well no matter what your still getting some

Why ask that question? He loses with either way - you get pissed off coz he tells the truth or he lies and you are still fat...

why do you need to ask that? you should know best.


Guys hate being put on the spot ... if ya don't wanna know his response, don't ask. You are pointing out things he probably never even noticed. You are self conscious & all he is caring about is a good time with you, his woman. Stand proud.

saturnsonic 3

i like when a big girl is on top ;-)

Mikey0216 0

Awh yes, show the animals hwhos boss. walruses do the same thing but the stand up and bark

DJDude_Arazely 10

Ha-ha I thought this was very funny. My sister got a kick out of it, too. We feel bad for you and all but just to let you know I did think this was funny, and rude of him.