By Joe - 04/08/2011 18:28 - United States

Today, I asked a guy if he could buy me a pack of cigarettes, since I'm still under 18. He took my money, went into the supermarket, and must have slipped out a side-entrance, because he never came back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 798
You deserved it 126 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christinez13 0

aww that sucks but you deserved it

bigbisawesome 0

Wow seriously you sir are an idiot


Start smoking weed instead. I hear it's easier for youngsters like you to buy.

kali12_fml 0

Well what did you expect? It's a bad economy, everybody takes what they can get

Warcraft_looser 7

I'm very glad this happened to u because ur a minor and ur dumbass should not be smoking till ur mature enough to understand not to give money to strangers.....

The only way this could be more YDI is if you asked a teacher or police officer or something. Moron.

123jade456 0

thats what people do here in florida, sucks

Totally off topic but...I love your profile pic!!!!

sandungyyy 4

Wonder what part of Florida you live in bud. As for OP, that calls for a smack of COPD stamp on the face. Death before making it to college.

Laurenlou 24

Oh, you naive child! Get YOUR MOM to buy it for you. That's what ALL the cool kids are doing!

sargedude 0

actually in Alabama you can smoke at 8 but cant buy until 19

hotPinklipstick 24

off topic, but in Texas you can legally drink at age 15 as long as you are on your parents property and in their view, with their permission. you can also legally drink in restaurants at age 18 if you're married to someone of legal age and you have your marriage license present and they buy the drinks. Only problem with that is only certain restaurants allow that and different restaurants have different laws about it.

fadingfaith 4

That's it! I'm moving to Texas. :D

This is true, but 99% of restaurants won't let you drink in them anyways. Waaaay too much liability!

Here in Australia the legal age to buy/drink alcohol is 18 for cigarettes aswell.