By Joe - 04/08/2011 18:28 - United States

Today, I asked a guy if he could buy me a pack of cigarettes, since I'm still under 18. He took my money, went into the supermarket, and must have slipped out a side-entrance, because he never came back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 798
You deserved it 126 067

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christinez13 0

aww that sucks but you deserved it

bigbisawesome 0

Wow seriously you sir are an idiot


JPLovesAnimals 4

Idiot. Hopefully they were expensive kinds so you learn your lesson.

Definitely FYL, now you have to wait for next week's allowance before making yourself feel important by pretending to be an adult again. On a side note, the guy probably worked there if he went inside and never came out. No one's going to slip out an emergency exit or shimmy out a bathroom window to steal your damn five bucks.

amberita28 0

Exactly what I was thinking, but we already know the op is stupid. He probably never even thought that maybe the guy was about to start his shift or coming back from lunch.

Lete Here I'll give my money to a complete stranger so he can buy something that will kill me- this couldn't backfire at all!!! YDI

So deserved! You shouldn't smoke anyway, it's really addictive and bad for you.

mandihbew 0

YDI for being stupid, bonus because you live in FLORIDA.

You're just as bad as those kids who paid a stranger $20 to get them alcohol. You definitely deserve it for trusting a total stranger to get you something you're not supposed to have while you're under 18. I'd quit the premature smoking habit if I were you. It gets worse when you get older.

That's why people under 18 aren't allowed to buy cigarettes. They're too stupid. I mean, what did you think wanna gunna happen when you gave a stranger at a gas station money???

For_Real_Deal 0

Who gives money to strangers and expects them not to keep it for themselves??

fadingfaith 4

Someone who has successfully done it before.

Back in the day when I was a minor, I did it plenty, never had someone rip me off.