By charlieweaver21 - 21/01/2010 22:02 - France

Today, I agreed to meet my ex-girlfriend at our favorite restaurant with my hopes high. She just wanted me to meet her new boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 076
You deserved it 6 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

npk88 0

that really sucks...what a bitch.

30Degrees_Below0 0

That's so low... I can't even imagine how angry I'd be if my ex boyfriend did that to me. If she's that rude, don't even worry about being friends with her.


kyster980kp 0

ydi why didnt you ask her what did she want to meet? had you not been such a wimp you should have said "we done, lose my number, be gone, okbye"

Did she want a threesome. Out with the old, in with the new. In with the old, in with the new?

I don't ut, get why do girls tend to do that?

Good posts. I agree that was mean. I hope you move on.

Aww. Been there. Except when I met my ex, she had gotten together with another one of my exes, both of whom I was on good terms with. That was fun. This, however, is just sad. Sorry, OP. =(