By charlieweaver21 - 21/01/2010 22:02 - France

Today, I agreed to meet my ex-girlfriend at our favorite restaurant with my hopes high. She just wanted me to meet her new boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 076
You deserved it 6 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

npk88 0

that really sucks...what a bitch.

30Degrees_Below0 0

That's so low... I can't even imagine how angry I'd be if my ex boyfriend did that to me. If she's that rude, don't even worry about being friends with her.


just forget about her, she obviously doesn't deserve you(:

tman118 0

I've had that happen before ydi for having an ex

kmgentil 0

you should have told something really imbarassing about her to her BF, her farts smell!!!!

Erindub 0

I didn't read many of the responses but my comment would be bring her mom with next time and do the same thing to her

dude Grow a pair! quit wallowing in self pity and move on. Cut another one from the herd and restart your life. I can't believe you are as weak as your post implies.

While I agree he shouldn't be friends with this ex.. and he should have got more info before meeting up with her, "cutting another one from the herd" is a joke and not always that simple... unless you're content settling with some fat ass or a bitch with issues.

Erindub 0

I would've told the new man that she loves it in the ass : )

kmgentil 0

erindub, hahahaha good one :)

Seriously who the hell meets up with their ex? Only desperate losers.