By nic - 01/04/2009 20:06 - United States

Today, for April fools I decided to set off the smoke detectors in my friend's apartment while he was sleeping and saran wrap the outside of his bedroom doorway so he would smack into it. Instead, he jumped out the window and broke his leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 740
You deserved it 120 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Idk whether to say your friends a moron, or you are.

DaftPyramid 0

Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


And the "Worst Friend of the Year Award" goes to...

Pretty sure it's an FML for OP because he lost this person as a friend.

My mom's friend's son (who I used to play with when I was little) just fell off an eighth floor balcony in Florida while on spring break. He died. Be glad your friend only has a broken leg.

lolololololololol now i know how to get rid of roomates

You DONT jump out the window, end of story. I also doubt the OP heated the door knob as that would have made him skip out on going through the door which would have made him not go through the seran wrap. Also, what kind of fire alarm was it, like, a centralized one that goes through the entire building causing the entire building to go off or like one you installed on the ceiling so you pushed the test button. If you set off the entire building, then FYL.

Slinky_fml 0

Yeah that is totally not your fault. That guy is kind of an idiot. Who the heck jumps out the window when the alarm goes off? What if it had gone of accidentally? I mean, really, its not like taking a couple seconds to figure out what's going on would burn him alive even if there was a fire. This is definitely a FYL; that guy ruined what was a really funny prank

why the hell would you do that? what if the fire brigade showed up? that was a really stupid move.

Iceman101101 0

yeah that was deff a dick move.