By facepalm - 15/10/2014 23:36 - United States - Gainesville

Today, coming home, I opened up my door to find my drunk boyfriend trying to teach our three baby parakeets to perch on his erect penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 411
You deserved it 4 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Hey, on the bright side you know he can keep it up when he's drunk. That's always a plus

You should dump him, who knows how far he is willing to go if he did that. He could be into **********.

LJ64 2

Damn! If his drunk junk can support THREE birds, you're a lucky girl

if I had a penis I'd probably try it just for curiousity sake

You need a sense of humor. That's awesome!

not quite as stiff as your average perch, huh?