By facepalm - 15/10/2014 23:36 - United States - Gainesville

Today, coming home, I opened up my door to find my drunk boyfriend trying to teach our three baby parakeets to perch on his erect penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 411
You deserved it 4 384

Same thing different taste

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Ok now that I'm done laughing my ass off all I gotta say is seriously? Lol wow.

I wouldn't call it a fetish, because it doesn't sound like OP's boyfriend is attracted to birds. It just sounds like he's drunk like OP said and is being an idiot, which is pretty common when hammered, as we all know. I have to be honest, if I walked in on that I would probably ******* laugh as hard as possible but then slowly try to move him away from the birds because I wouldn't want him to get hurt.

Guess he watches Cyanide & Happiness as well.

Kevinmeowbeanz 22