By LadyLou - 03/11/2015 11:42 - Australia

Today, at work, a customer told me that my teeth would make a very pretty necklace. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 348
You deserved it 1 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And they didn't even mention how good your eyeballs would be in a salad?! What a noob.

amberdea404 28

They may be the secret tooth fairy, watch out.


Mysterious_one 26

Did you say how his (or her) skin would make a lovely coat?

piemanfood 19

Just a tad creepy but hey it seems you have an admirer

Haha wooow that's not creepy at all, I would imagine that was a guy who said that.. tell him his penis would make a nice hood ornament

Well at least you have nice teeth op. :) But that is a creepy way of telling someone.

he/she likes your pearly whites :) but so creepy