By JuggaloSlasher15 - 08/08/2013 23:03 - United States

Today, at the pool, a kid no older than 8 was sitting on the diving board, not letting anyone else use it. I went over and tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't listen. My uncle stormed over, said "I got this!" and punted him over the edge. We both got thrown out for "bullying" the kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 743
You deserved it 6 800

Same thing different taste


nevershouttami 11

Welcome to the real world, jackass.

So the good cop bad cop routine didn't work.

RadeonDerp 24

Bullying? Isn't that repeated verbal/physical attacks over an amount of time? I say punting a kid into a swimming pool because he wouldn't move is some much needed discipline, far from 'bullying'.

meherm 11
skyeyez9 24

This FML NEEDS TO BE ILLUSTRATED!! Please someone draw this!!

Pyro_Wolf 17

Is your uncle George Lopez?

skyeyez9 24

As harsh as this sounds, the 8yr old ******** deserved it!!! What an asshole to sit on the board and refuse to move and not allow everybody else use it. And why didn't his parents or whoever his guardian was make him leave the diving board?! Your uncle freed up the diving board and did everybody a service imo.

It's obvious the lifeguard was sitting on their ass crack not doing a damn thing.