By JuggaloSlasher15 - 08/08/2013 23:03 - United States

Today, at the pool, a kid no older than 8 was sitting on the diving board, not letting anyone else use it. I went over and tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't listen. My uncle stormed over, said "I got this!" and punted him over the edge. We both got thrown out for "bullying" the kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 743
You deserved it 6 800

Same thing different taste


YDI for having a name with juggalo in it.

ewv023 7

As a lifeguard myself, I think that whoever was on duty should obviously have been paying attention, as sitting on a diving board is typically against the rules. But OP, YDI. Next time a lifeguard is doing a shitty job, tell them the problem and let them take care of it, instead of getting yourself kicked out for bullying.

Yes, they should have informed a lifeguard, but I would imagine that someone sitting on a diving board would be fairly obvious, to say the least (unless the pool was a large complex). She/he really should have been trained to notice these things. And, apparently, OP didn't do anything but talk to the kid - it was the uncle that attacked him. Throwing two people out when only one was guilty of anything is another suggestion that whoever was on duty wasn't particularly good at their job. Either the lifeguard saw the whole event and chose to ignore the kid breaking the rules, or they didn't see anything until after the kid had been kicked and didn't bother figuring out what happened.

if only people wouldn't spoil their kids so much these daya

Raivyn_Grimm 9

Ok ok ok. Everyone here that is hating on the OP is saying varying degrees of "you should never kick someone else's kid!" My opinion on that matter isn't relevant. All that is relevant is that you all read the fricking thing and notice IT WAS HER UNCLE. And honestly, If my uncle (or anyone for that matter) said "I got this!" in this kind of situation, I never would have expected them to go punt the kid. So how is it OP's fault? Hate on the uncle if you're going to go with the "holier than thou" mindset.

natas_fml 13

You deserve it for wearing clown makeup and being perplexed by magnets.

Your uncle is the best. That would totally be worth it.

How come the lifeguards didn't get the kid of the diving board? Sounds like that pool needs have a staff evaluation.

ViviMage 38

I would have tried to use the board anyway! You can jump on the board to lower it without falling in. Your FML is worded awesome! The Uncle, not so awesome!