By JuggaloSlasher15 - 08/08/2013 23:03 - United States

Today, at the pool, a kid no older than 8 was sitting on the diving board, not letting anyone else use it. I went over and tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't listen. My uncle stormed over, said "I got this!" and punted him over the edge. We both got thrown out for "bullying" the kid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 743
You deserved it 6 800

Same thing different taste


Before punting the kid your uncle should have shouted as loud as possible THIS IS SPARTA

catanita 18

At that pool there is no lifeguard on duty to solve this kind of issues?

out of curiosity what ever happened to Perdix, Snickerdoodle, Dr Boner, Apex? they were gods well maybe not snickers she was the king of trolls but what happened to them is this the new gen?

Perdix is still around which is nice. Haven't seen snicker or anyone else though really like pendatik or drybones(?) they kinda disappeared

nismo98 14

Did He Yell This Is Sparta!!!? That Would've Made It That Much More Awesome

Geometric 18

You might have been kicked out but you'll still have the sweet memory of giving a little shit what he deserved. :D

mrsnugglefunny 10

That dick deserved to get kicked