By Anonymous - 20/08/2012 16:31 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, at my job at the mall, our music malfunctioned and now will only play the same three songs over and over again. Our manager won't let us turn it off because "the customers won't notice". FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 402
You deserved it 1 738

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doesnt sound much different than the radio nowadays.

Take your iPod to work and sneak it through your clothes.


Reminds me of a local radio station that they have on at work sometimes, they must play the same songs at least 5 times a day for each song, it's very irritating, especially as it's this modern manufactured pop crap which I don't like.

dlcj18 2

That would drive me absolutely nuts winndixie is the same way every time I got to shop there I always walk in to the same song I asked the lady why does this song play every time she replied she heard the son like 20 times

princelover 2

At least it's not call me maybe.

Wow the mall I go to has the same problem... .>

i hate ******* music in mall shops

One time at work when it was near Christmas, one of my coworkers wanted to listen to that chestnuts roasting on an open fire song so she searched for it on our Internet radio. She was the only one there who could change the music and forgot to put it back before she left. We were stuck listening to different versions of the same Christmas song for hours.