By Anonymous - 20/08/2012 16:31 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, at my job at the mall, our music malfunctioned and now will only play the same three songs over and over again. Our manager won't let us turn it off because "the customers won't notice". FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 402
You deserved it 1 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Doesnt sound much different than the radio nowadays.

Take your iPod to work and sneak it through your clothes.


Stoopid_life 2

Get outta there before you lose your mind! Quit if you have to. Once its gone i imagine its very hard to get back

He's probably right. The customers won't, it just sucks for you.. Sorry op

The customers will notice! Three songs only last about 15 minutes!

combatbunny 9

That's the worst! Also the customers will notice. I'd leave a store if the music was annoying me.

I remember once in Sainsbury's they were playing Christmas songs, which was fine. Then the speakers ****** up and there was this horrible crackling noise almost drowning out the songs, and they still insisted on playing the music.

missyfiona89 28

Im from Singapore! Which idiotic mall is that?!!

FML_14u2c 14

As an employee, it does drive you crazy. I worked at a store where they had a tape that ran in 30 minute loops. It was part music and part spokesperson talking about sales. Hearing that loop about 16 times a day for weeks at a time will drive anyone crazy... Hey, anyone remember the theme from the "nut house" in Redneck Rampage?

do you by chance work at a Hollister?